Spotlight on the Vulva

Spotlight on the Vulva: it’s her time to shine

Vulva Care Tips 101

The Vulva is an incredible part of the body! Vulvas come in an endless variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and are incredibly rich in nerve endings. Everybody is unique and that’s pretty cool! But what exactly is the Vulva, and how do we take the best care of ours that we possibly can?

A quick anatomy recap

Many of us weren’t ever taught the difference between the Vulva and vagina, and it is important to know! The vagina is internal, while the Vulva is external and includes the outer and inner labia, the clitoris, urethral opening, and vaginal openings. Most of us are already aware that douching or using soap isn’t great for the vagina (as it can cause infections, bacterial vaginosis and more in this magical self-cleaning part of the body!) However, using normal soaps on the Vulva isn’t recommended either! Certain parts of the Vulva have thinner skin and a higher concentration of blood vessels than the skin on your face, making it more sensitive than the face on your skin. Your Vulva has specific skincare needs and everyday soap can cause discomfort and dryness to the skin on your Vulva.

Break out the mirror

First things first: what does your Vulva look like? Get in touch with your Vulva in a visual way! To really get a good picture of your own personal anatomy, break out the mirror and check it out for yourself. This will help you be more in touch with your body as well as giving helpful information to take to your doctor if you ever have any concerns.

The down-low on undies

Wearing cotton underwear to avoid yeast infections is often repeated advice, but it will also help your Vulva as well! Fully cotton underwear, or at the very least underwear with a cotton gusset, will give you the best chance to avoid irritation and other issues. You should also change your underwear every day, regardless of whether you shower or not. Additionally, wearing underwear with a gusset (that’s the long rectangular part right in the middle) that fits your body is great, and not all gussets fit all bodies! Find the one that works for you in particular.

Flush your worries away

We have several tips about going to the bathroom to keep your Vulva in tip-top shape. First, avoid baby wipes, scented toilet paper, or anything fancier than standard toilet paper when you’re wiping. Also, always wipe front to back and try to pee after sexual intimacy to clear any bacteria from the urethra (which is part of the Vulva.) Lastly, hydration is important for basically every part of your body but also helps maintain urinary health!

Keep an eye on the clock during your period, period.

If you’re a person who has periods, change your pad, tampon, or cup at the appropriate times. For a pad or tampon, that means every 4-8 hours. For a menstrual cup, you may be able to wait a bit longer but should check your individual cup information. This can help avoid irritation or infection in either the vagina or Vulva. Leave the scented sanitary products on the shelf.

Hair down there

Shaving, waxing, trimming, or letting your pubic hair grow wild is a personal preference, and all options are great! If you choose to shave, avoid scented shaving creams or lotions. Exfoliating before and moisturizing after with a cream that has vitamin E and hyaluronic acid can help avoid or soothe razor burn. Whether you remove hair or keep it lush for aesthetic or comfort reasons, you are the queen of decisions when it comes to your own body.

Ditch the scents

Save the smells for candles and perfume. For your Vulva health, use unscented laundry detergent and skip the scented dryer sheets. Both can cause irritation! Also, everyone’s tolerance for other potential irritants is a little different, so pay attention to how you feel after using bubble baths, bath salts and even very hot baths. If scented products don’t work for you, try Epsom salts or colloidal oatmeal, both of which can feel special and relaxing. Or, burn a yummy-smelling candle on the edge of the bath so you can have the scent without the itchiness!

Stay dry, stay comfy

Whether you’re swimming or exercising, remove wet clothing as promptly as you can. Wearing moisture-wicking clothing when you hit the gym or go for a run will help keep the Vulva dry and happy, too. Sweat, chlorine and more can change the pH balance of your body, and changing wet swimsuits or underwear right away can help prevent moisture and bacteria buildup.

But on top of all this, why wash the vulva?

The Vulva is covered in apocrine glands, which are the same type of sweat glands that are found under the arms. This means the sweat is thicker, more common and has a different smell from the sweat on much of the rest of your body! Just as straight-up water wouldn’t do a lot for your armpits, it won’t do the job between your legs either.

A few good tips for washing this delicate area are to avoid using harsh wash cloths, as well as regular soap (which may affect your pH levels and cause irritated or dry skin.) Instead, use a nourishing, balanced cleanser like say la V.™ nourishing Veauty wash, which includes skincare quality ingredients like prebiotics and jojoba oil while leaving out the sulfates and artificial scents. Then, moisturize and refresh with their hydrating Veauty cream and refreshing Veauty mist, so you will feel pampered down there and ready to take on the day.

Viva la Vulva! Take charge of your Vulva wellness with all the good stuff and none of the bad.

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